Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fathers Day and More

Father's day was really cool, mostly because I have a loving Dad. We all converged at Mom and Dad's where we had a cookout, our chef, chef Lew, grilled some beef and chicken sish-ca-bobs, and hamburgars, they all tasted very good; Lew is definately the grillmaster! And I absolutely stuffed myself, or should I say gorged. I am going to a cookout again today, Lew is the grillmaster again, but I don't intend on gorging myself again!

Today was my last day of work, if you want to call it that; we got to work and didn't have any work to do, of course we knew we wouldn't, so we just sat or stood for 3 hours before management decided all our ducks were in the right row and told us to have a nice vacation. Next week is a layoff week, and the following two weeks are vacation weeks. well, that is all I have for this time.

Later, Tim

Saturday, June 03, 2006

addendum and more

O.K., I wimped out, I did not finish my full body purge. That stuff just tasted too vile and disgusting to continue with it, and the fact I didn't have the whole week off so I could stick close to a bathroom had a little to do with my wimping out. But I got into some stuff Monday, Memorial Day, that left my stomach feeling like it was rolling over and over. I think I ate too many cookies, I try to limit my intake, but Memorial day I just let loose. I didn't count how many I ate, btw they were storebought, not my most favorite kinda cookie, but I did eat too many.

I had Tuesay off work, good thing too, it was pretty hot in the plant that day, from what I heard, so I was glad to have had the day off. However, Wednessday was pretty warm too, maybe not as warm, but pretty warm still; so I only worked 3 days, and I was extremely happy Friday when we only worked 7 hours, that made my day. So, I am trying to look forward to a good week at work next week, I will have to wait and see how it turns out.

So, I got home from work friday and got lazy for a little while, watched some HGTV, and did some surfing, check out the weather only to see that we were supposed to get some isolated showers today and tomorrow(sat and sun), so I came to the conclusion I had better mow the lawn, well, it is out of character for me to mow the lawn at 4pm cause thats when I am watching TV most of the time, yeah, more HGTV. Well, I got the lawn mowed and today it rained on and off, sunny on and off too, but, glad I don't have to mow the lawn. Well, I guess that is most of the boring stuff I have to report on for this week, until next time,


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Whole Body Purge

So, I figured since I am getting into supplamentation and keeping an eye on what I eat, even if it is fattening and sugary, I decided to do a full body purge this weekend; I have 4 days off. Ideally it takes 12 days, but I don't want to put myself in a situation where I won't be able to get to a bathroom in a short order of time; I don't really like walking away from my job to go use the porcelain fixture without someone doing my job while I am in the porcelain fixture room. The things those of us who work on an assembly line have to endure, sometimes its having to hold it until you can get someone to do the job you are on so you an run to the urinal or for the ladies, the pot. So, today is my first day on this whole body purge stuff; Dr. Ingrams Whole Body Purge, a little bit oily, not sure if it is the nastiest tasting stuff I've ever had, but it ranks up there pretty high on the list. I have a friend and Brother, Phelps, I'm talking about u, who imparts his opinion of a particular brand of imported licorice that my sister, brother, and I grew up on, as the vilest tasting stuff he has ever had, well, I would venture to say, Mark, you have not tried a full body purge with this stuff. Wow, this paragraph looks pretty long, time for a break.

The directions for this stuff says to take an once in the morning in juice, well, I would rather drink the juice separate, preferably after taking this stuff. Anyway, I am looking forward to see what I feel like Tuesday, I think tue. will be my last day on this trial, since I will be returning to work on Wed. morning.

This week was not too eventful, I mowed my front yard on Tuesday and the back yard on Wed. I was too lazy to do it all on the same day but wanted to get the front done so it looked presentable for the public, no one but my neighbors can see my back yard, and I figured they could look at my weeklong tall grass for one more day. I also went to the Healthfood store this week, I was looking, naturally, for something they don't carry; man that just erks me, it has happened more times than I have counted that I have been to several health food stores, only to find I have wasted my time. Well, yesterday I called all the ones locally, only to find out I saved myself some gas, time and money, mostly money, by just calling, none of them carry what I am looking for. So I have to get online and order everything I want from their website's which means now, I have to hurry up and wait.

I was surprised, however, how quick priority mail is. I ordered something from Californie, and I found it in the mail box 2 days later.

Well, now that I've gotten all that off my chest, I feel better, thanks for reading,


Sunday, May 21, 2006

R and R

Well, this past week(I should have left this post yesterday) I enjoyed the rest and relaxation I took in. I was on a temporary layoff, for one week only, so I really enjoyed getting up at 9 a.m. instead of 4:30 a.m. I can't say I accomplished very much. Wednessday I did start sorting reciepts that had accumulated over the past 7, 8, and in some cases 9 years(I found one from 1997), so it seamed like thousands of little pieces of paper, some of them faded. I separated the 2006 credit reciepts from all the other credit reciepts and all the Debit reciepts from all the credit reciepts, so I am by no means done, I need to put all these reciepts with the statements they belong with, then I can file them away; probably most of them I could throw away, but some of them have a full credit card number on them, only a few of the gas station reciepts though. So I need to keep working on that.

(Now for what would have been the begining of todays post)
Today we had a guest preacher, actually, I think he grew up at Livonia. His mother, a brother, and sister are members still at Livonia and many of the members that have been members a long time went back that far with him. His name is Dean Smith and preaches for the University church of Christ in Austin, TX. I thought he had a good lesson, however, being that I was in the foyer the whole time, someone started bending my ear while I was standing under the speaker so I could hear. Now why didn't you go sit down in the MPR/Auditorium if you really wanted to hear him speak, you may ask; that is a very good question. I very rarely have a seat in the auditorium during service so that I can help out with any administrative duties that my come up during service. If I am on the schedule to serve, which I am this month, I'd just soon stand out in the foyer and listen to the sermon than have to get up and walk out of the auditorium. The downside to doing that, of course, is there seams to always be an individual or two or three that like to converse together; usually about sports, sometimes the subjects vary, and I can't say I am totally inocent of being involved with these pow-wow's. Having said all that, I believe this mornings lesson was about getting out of our comfort zone or safety zone.

Until next time, later

Saturday, May 13, 2006

This week I will remember

I titled this one This week I will remember because Tuesday the battery in my car died. I can be happy, I guess, that it didn't happen later in the week, of course I was inconvenienced by this occurance, but I figured I might as well put it into perspective. Had I not stopped at the healthfood store, but gone straight home, I probably would have missed a day of work. I would have hated to have gotten up to leave for work early the next morning and been dead in my garage. Incedently, I had to wait for a tow truck, about an hour and forty minutes; I was pretty tired by the time I made it home. I borrowed my mom's car for less than 24 hours, and after 200 smackers I got my car back.

Next week I am going to save some gas, I am temporarily laid off for another week so we can save Ford Motor Co. some $15 billion dollars. Less inventory to count toward the bottom line I guess, anyway, I do like having all this time off, but I don't like the lack of green, but I suppose I am adjusting; unemployment takes a week or two sometimes to catchup to us.

A week off will give me another chance to do some more work around the house, if I don't get too lazy again.

I installed my Amatuer Call plate on my car friday, it come in the mail, finally, from the sec. of state, with new tab. I put the tab on and took the old plate off and slapped the new plate on.

Today rounded out the week with a workday at the churchbuilding this morning from 9 to 12. Well, I woke up at 8:47 and rolled out, got dressed and fixed myself breakfast. By the time I got on over to the churchbuilding it was 20 something after, but there were others that filtered in and out so I took care of some stuff on the service board setup in the foyer. We should have clean air in the building for the next couple of weeks at least.

Haven't done too much at home. It rained alot the latter half of the week, and on/off too. I was able to get some TurfBuilder plus 2 with weed control sprinkled on all the dandelions in the front yard b4 all the rain, so I hope that takes care of those.

Well, tomorrow is Mothers Day and Dad's birthday, so we are going to have a party tomorrow at mom and dad's crock pot pork loin, and grilled chicken; I am going to take a piece of pork to grill also, I thing it is loin, lunch sounds like it is going to be high on the Hog, oink oink.

Guess that is about it,



Saturday, May 06, 2006

Get Rid of Hazzardous Waste

O.K., I think I have this halfway figured out, I will learn as I go I guess. Today is Livonia's Household Hazzardous Waste dropoff day, so I was able to get rid of some paint that has been in my basement for more than 7 years, left by the previous homeowner. I'm glad to be rid of some old computers I was holding on to, one of which predated my homeownership(which incidently has been approximately 7 years). I didn't take my small batteries, however, I will gather all of them up sometime and take them to work to dispose of. That's about it for now.


In The Beginning

Well, this is my beginning of blogging, affraid this one is going to be very short.