Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fathers Day and More

Father's day was really cool, mostly because I have a loving Dad. We all converged at Mom and Dad's where we had a cookout, our chef, chef Lew, grilled some beef and chicken sish-ca-bobs, and hamburgars, they all tasted very good; Lew is definately the grillmaster! And I absolutely stuffed myself, or should I say gorged. I am going to a cookout again today, Lew is the grillmaster again, but I don't intend on gorging myself again!

Today was my last day of work, if you want to call it that; we got to work and didn't have any work to do, of course we knew we wouldn't, so we just sat or stood for 3 hours before management decided all our ducks were in the right row and told us to have a nice vacation. Next week is a layoff week, and the following two weeks are vacation weeks. well, that is all I have for this time.

Later, Tim

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