Saturday, May 13, 2006

This week I will remember

I titled this one This week I will remember because Tuesday the battery in my car died. I can be happy, I guess, that it didn't happen later in the week, of course I was inconvenienced by this occurance, but I figured I might as well put it into perspective. Had I not stopped at the healthfood store, but gone straight home, I probably would have missed a day of work. I would have hated to have gotten up to leave for work early the next morning and been dead in my garage. Incedently, I had to wait for a tow truck, about an hour and forty minutes; I was pretty tired by the time I made it home. I borrowed my mom's car for less than 24 hours, and after 200 smackers I got my car back.

Next week I am going to save some gas, I am temporarily laid off for another week so we can save Ford Motor Co. some $15 billion dollars. Less inventory to count toward the bottom line I guess, anyway, I do like having all this time off, but I don't like the lack of green, but I suppose I am adjusting; unemployment takes a week or two sometimes to catchup to us.

A week off will give me another chance to do some more work around the house, if I don't get too lazy again.

I installed my Amatuer Call plate on my car friday, it come in the mail, finally, from the sec. of state, with new tab. I put the tab on and took the old plate off and slapped the new plate on.

Today rounded out the week with a workday at the churchbuilding this morning from 9 to 12. Well, I woke up at 8:47 and rolled out, got dressed and fixed myself breakfast. By the time I got on over to the churchbuilding it was 20 something after, but there were others that filtered in and out so I took care of some stuff on the service board setup in the foyer. We should have clean air in the building for the next couple of weeks at least.

Haven't done too much at home. It rained alot the latter half of the week, and on/off too. I was able to get some TurfBuilder plus 2 with weed control sprinkled on all the dandelions in the front yard b4 all the rain, so I hope that takes care of those.

Well, tomorrow is Mothers Day and Dad's birthday, so we are going to have a party tomorrow at mom and dad's crock pot pork loin, and grilled chicken; I am going to take a piece of pork to grill also, I thing it is loin, lunch sounds like it is going to be high on the Hog, oink oink.

Guess that is about it,




Mark Phelps said... would have been dead in your garage? It's just a battery, dude...nothing to get desperate about.

Tim said...

...well, I was feeling a little bit of desparation when the car wouldn't start, or should I say irritation, good thing I didn't need to use the bathroom for a couple hours.