Saturday, June 03, 2006

addendum and more

O.K., I wimped out, I did not finish my full body purge. That stuff just tasted too vile and disgusting to continue with it, and the fact I didn't have the whole week off so I could stick close to a bathroom had a little to do with my wimping out. But I got into some stuff Monday, Memorial Day, that left my stomach feeling like it was rolling over and over. I think I ate too many cookies, I try to limit my intake, but Memorial day I just let loose. I didn't count how many I ate, btw they were storebought, not my most favorite kinda cookie, but I did eat too many.

I had Tuesay off work, good thing too, it was pretty hot in the plant that day, from what I heard, so I was glad to have had the day off. However, Wednessday was pretty warm too, maybe not as warm, but pretty warm still; so I only worked 3 days, and I was extremely happy Friday when we only worked 7 hours, that made my day. So, I am trying to look forward to a good week at work next week, I will have to wait and see how it turns out.

So, I got home from work friday and got lazy for a little while, watched some HGTV, and did some surfing, check out the weather only to see that we were supposed to get some isolated showers today and tomorrow(sat and sun), so I came to the conclusion I had better mow the lawn, well, it is out of character for me to mow the lawn at 4pm cause thats when I am watching TV most of the time, yeah, more HGTV. Well, I got the lawn mowed and today it rained on and off, sunny on and off too, but, glad I don't have to mow the lawn. Well, I guess that is most of the boring stuff I have to report on for this week, until next time,


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