Sunday, May 21, 2006

R and R

Well, this past week(I should have left this post yesterday) I enjoyed the rest and relaxation I took in. I was on a temporary layoff, for one week only, so I really enjoyed getting up at 9 a.m. instead of 4:30 a.m. I can't say I accomplished very much. Wednessday I did start sorting reciepts that had accumulated over the past 7, 8, and in some cases 9 years(I found one from 1997), so it seamed like thousands of little pieces of paper, some of them faded. I separated the 2006 credit reciepts from all the other credit reciepts and all the Debit reciepts from all the credit reciepts, so I am by no means done, I need to put all these reciepts with the statements they belong with, then I can file them away; probably most of them I could throw away, but some of them have a full credit card number on them, only a few of the gas station reciepts though. So I need to keep working on that.

(Now for what would have been the begining of todays post)
Today we had a guest preacher, actually, I think he grew up at Livonia. His mother, a brother, and sister are members still at Livonia and many of the members that have been members a long time went back that far with him. His name is Dean Smith and preaches for the University church of Christ in Austin, TX. I thought he had a good lesson, however, being that I was in the foyer the whole time, someone started bending my ear while I was standing under the speaker so I could hear. Now why didn't you go sit down in the MPR/Auditorium if you really wanted to hear him speak, you may ask; that is a very good question. I very rarely have a seat in the auditorium during service so that I can help out with any administrative duties that my come up during service. If I am on the schedule to serve, which I am this month, I'd just soon stand out in the foyer and listen to the sermon than have to get up and walk out of the auditorium. The downside to doing that, of course, is there seams to always be an individual or two or three that like to converse together; usually about sports, sometimes the subjects vary, and I can't say I am totally inocent of being involved with these pow-wow's. Having said all that, I believe this mornings lesson was about getting out of our comfort zone or safety zone.

Until next time, later

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