Monday, April 23, 2007

O.K. well, I haven't tried Opera yet. I am told I will be working in the Trim department at work starting next week; I am also told that I am still in the bubble to transfer to another plant, probably Wayne Assembly, if more people decide not to take the buyout that have not vacated the company yet. So, I feel like I am in limbo sort of, although I am still working which is a good thing.

I have a final exam left to take in my Psyc. class, it has not been posted yet and I haven't read all the chapters I need to read for the exam. All other excercizes and papers have been completed though, so I am happy about that. I will have to take the math class that I took last fall over as I failed it first time around.

I am going to be working 10 hrs/day until last of June, with a couple of weeks of 8 hr work days thrown in. Also a saturday is scheduled in May.

I bought me an HDTV not too long ago and have been experimenting with antenna systems; seems as though the amplifiers or signal preamps. degrade digital signals I am finding out, this is unfortunate; I obviously have more experimentation to conduct. I have other UHF TV antenna's ordered and am going to have to try and install and experiment with one of those as well. I am wondering if the 1's and 0's which make up the digital signal are colliding with each other when a VHF and UHF antenna are being combined into one RG-6 cable?

In Case anyone is interested, WXYZ in Detroit has 3 digital channels, I am not able to pick up the third, but have read it is from a camera on the Windsor side of the river showing the Detroit riverfront skyline. The second one is a 24 hour weather radar channel. WDIV regular HD channel and 24 hour digital weather channel feed from NBC's weatherplus, with local weather content as well. WJBK, 1 HD channel, same content as the current analog channel.

Well, this is getting too long, and the time is continuing to slide into the night, so I will say later for now.

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