Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm stayin put

Found out yesterday, thursday, I am staying in the Paint Shop and on my current job. That is good news. My Union rep. told me today "you don't even want to see the trim shop". But I am absolute lowest seniority person in the whole paint plant. However, I am working on a good line to work on; I don't install anything permanent, I don't shoot any sealer, I don't spray no paint or clear coat, I don't do any sanding, I don't use any air tools like a DA or Polisher or any of that, so I am on a good line to work on and life is good. I feel blessed; God has truly blessed me. I asked Him to give me peace through all the nail biting everyone else was doing and that is exactly what I had, peace of mind. Well, I guess that about does it for now.


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