Tuesday, March 20, 2007

O.K., well, I am FINALLY able to get logged into Blogger. I am having to use Galeon, a gnome browser based on Mozilla, why Firefox and Linspire Mozilla browsers won't let me log in is beyond me. I may try Opera next.

To bring all up to date. My uncle, who fought under Patton in WWII, died back in February. I think he was up in his 80's.

Still don't know where I am going to be working in a couple of months; I'd like to transfer to Dearborn Truck Plant, but may end up at ISA or Wayne Assembly Plant so I am not getting to anxious, or trying not too.

I got me a new cellphone and provider. T-Mobile prepay, hopefully I can stay within 1100 minutes for the year, I will see.

Well, I think that is all for now.
More Later,


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