Tuesday, January 06, 2009

college class

O.K., I registered for a class yesterday. It was not a class in the field I have, in a previous post, eluded to entering. I sat there, waiting to talk to my academic advisor, looking at the college catalog. It occured to me that this college doesn't have a program for medical imaging; so I decided I would work toward a certificate as a computer repair technician, the reason of course was that I had most of the classes taken already. I only need 4 more classes to recieve this certificate; that may take this year and next depending on whether any of the classes are offered during the Spring Term.

My reasoning is I can do computer repair work on my time aside from work, supplamenting my income, thereby allowing me to gain more understanding of the computing repair industry through hands on experience, at the same time, making extra payments on the pricipal of my mortgage. But I don't intend to stop my formal education with this certificate.

Well, that is all for now.

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