Saturday, December 15, 2007


Today, saturday, Dec. 15 I rec'd in the U.S. mail a self addressed and stamped envelope. It was sent from my math professor indicating my scores, test points, total points and GPA. Well, I am very happy to say I passed, only by the very skin of my teeth, I think, I rec'd a 2.0, I believe it was just barely a 70%. Upon calculating my points I had calculated that I needed 32 correct ques. on the final exam; I correctly answered 31 questions. Apparently that was enough for me to barely make a 70% in the class. On the final itself I only made 61%, I went into the final exam with 73%, so that is why I am of the opinion it was just by the skin of my teeth. I can go on now to the specific classes in my current chosen degree field: electronics or more specifically Biomedical Technology.

Later, Tim

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