Saturday, November 03, 2007

O.K. it seams as though I lost track of myself. Working every other saturday is a big DRAG. This saturday(today) was canceled and we are off all saturdays in Nov. Thank Goodness!! I got taken off the sealer job and was put back on the job I was doing b4 I was taken out of the Paint shop(thankfully it was temperary). So I am lifting liftgates, my shoulder's are feeling it.

I bought me some more WWII DVD's so will be viewing those in the coming weeks or months; don't have time to watch movies or TV very much since I am taking a math class and working from 9 to 10 hours per day. But with more saturdays freed up this month, I'll see.

I've read all the WWII books I have aquired thus far! And I have many!!!

I am looking forward to tomorrow, as I do all Sunday's. I will see all my brother's and sister's in the Lord that I worship with at church, and it is just about the only day of the week, save a few on Wed., that I get to see and talk to most of my friends, because we all have one goal, to get ourselves and each other to heaven, they are cherished friendships.

Well, that is all for now. Later

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