Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Catch up

Well....well....well, I got alota splainin to do. I got on facebook and have neglected the blog. Well, I never did get called into DEFTP, but local 900 brought the last group of us into Wayne Assembly. Since then I signed up to go to work on a temporary long term basis at SRP(Sheldon Rd. Plant). Workin alot of O.T. now; tryin to make up for 5 months of temporary layoff. Also, took a final exam in electronics tonight, my last electronics class, I'm shifting into different gears. Also found out I hadn't requested my transcripts from Michigan Christian after I graduated, so looking forward to seeing what they will do for me as I start working toward an applied science degree. Christmas will be here soon, guess I'll buy gift cards and be done with it!

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