Thursday, July 26, 2007

O.K., it's been a couple of months since my last post. I think the browser logging into blogger problem has somehow fixed itself, not sure how; don't you just love technology,
Yeah, Right!

Anyway, since my last post, I was moved out of the Paint Shop and now am in agony, yep that's right, TRIM. My seniority it not too far from the very bottom. Other's with the same Senority Date as me, but who had less senority were sent to other plants in region, they actually have it better, right now, than I do, but I do hope this will pass.

I went with my parents to a family reunion earlier this month. We went to Missouri for the reunion. Stayed with an aunt and uncle in Parma, MO.(they actually live 6 or 7 miles closer to Malden). So I got to talk a little about his time in WWII. Edward was a replacement. Shipped over to England on Jan 1, 1945. Saw combat either late Jan. or early Feb. in around the Roer river Dam before he was wounded. It was a minor wound, but since the war was kinda starting to wind down( this was just after the German's last major attempt at prolonging the war; we know as the battle of the bulge) so, he was only in theater about a month. He went ashore in France from a landing craft on a beach, he told me where, but I can't remember the name of the place. I bought a WWII book, The Longest Battle: September 1944-February 1945: From Aachen to the Roer and Across; it contains the footage of the Division, Regiment and company that uncle Edward was in during his service. He was in the Lightning Division; I can't find my notes I took so can't remember the other information. He did tell me that uncle O'neal, my late uncle, he died earlier this year as mentioned in an earlier blog, was an the Military Policeman, some information I didn't know; so he was able to visit uncle Edward in the hospital(after he'd been wounded). Edward said he was taken to Belgium; France, then England after he was wounded. Uncle O'neal visited him while he was in France I believe he said.

From Missouri we drove to Huntingdon, Tennessee; where we stayed 2 nights at my Uncle David and Aunt MaryLou's. From there we drove to Cookville to visit with Aunt Mary and so mom could let one of her daughters' go home. Her other daughter came to stay with her the day we left to come back to Michigan.

Well, I am going to have to make this be it for now, Later.

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