Wednesday, February 04, 2009


O.K. it's February now, I have succeeded in getting all my Visual Programming projects for the semester done. I have taken 2 out of the 3 tests required for the class; the second test has not been graded yet, but I am confident I aced it. Now all I have to do is read, read, read, and answer the questions at the end of each lesson and unit. After all this I will be ready to take the last test, the final exam. This is class has turned out to be easier than I thought it would be. The first OE/OE class I took a few years ago I ended up dropping, but then this time I had a different teacher too.

Weatherwise, it is supposed to be over 40 this saturday, the 7th. Today is, I am thinking, going to be the coldest day of the week, the forcast I looked at yesterday, showed the high was going to get up to 16F.

Still haven't heard any news as to when I am to report back to work; still have the same news I had before, will report to Dearborn Engine and Fuel Tank Plant in March; I am guessing as time gets nearer I will be notified as to when.

That is my update for early Feb.